
Meeting with a young Columbia University academic

Rafi Gurbanov, director of the Nizami Ganjavi Foundation, met Sohee Ryuk, a doctoral student and young researcher into the Caucasus at the prestigious Columbia University in the USA.

At the meeting, Ms. Ryuk was informed about the work of the great Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi and the universal values he promoted, as well as the principal activities of the Foundation.

In an extensive discussion of the Foundation’s “Youth Platform”, Mr. Gurbanov underlined that the purpose of involving young academics and experts in the organization’s work also seeks the promotion of Nizami’s values in the international arena through their approach.

Later, during her stay in Azerbaijan, Ms. Ryuk commented on the unique cultural diversity of our country, the hospitality of its people and the results of her research into the country’s carpet weaving traditions. Then opinions were exchanged on other topics of mutual interest.

– 20 / 06 / 2022

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